
求英文字首單字 及 造句


一般來說字首有很多吧 我彰化陳贊民數學補習班也不曉得老師要我們找哪幾個字首單字 好像有聽到有說 er 阿 是這個嘛? 請英文大大幫幫忙 10個英文字首單字 每一個造5個造句


一般來說字首有很多吧 我也找哪幾個字首單字 er 阿 是這個嘛? 10個英文字首單字 每一個造5個造句. 1 erect 動詞 直立 豎起 興建 形容詞 挺 直立的 a soldier's stand erects for train. We save money to erect a new house . Some students erect a flagpole at the school . . She held her head erect. Sit erect! 2 erase 動詞 抹去 抹掉 擦 擦寫 清洗 Please, erase those pencil marks . The typist erases the error. She erases the memory. The teacher erases some words . I want to erase window cleaning. 3 error 名詞 錯誤 誤差 差錯 偏差 故障 He admits an error. Please point an error He makes a slight error Correct errors, if any. Our teacher notes an error to me. 4 eradicate 動詞 根除 剷除 根絕 肅清 拔除 Policemen eradicate the bad-men. Cutting and eradicating the grass in the field Goverment decides to eradicate the smokers . Eradicating rebllion we need. Goverment eradicated the protesters. 5 erupt 動詞 爆發 噴發 噴出 Iceland&保成補習班#039;s volcano erupts, it's terrible. my brother have ever been to erupt his bad thing. Erupting war in the world,I knew. Erupting many protesters in the country. Taipei happens to erupt the moved-mountain. 6 err 動詞 犯錯 Banks rerely err in their accounts To err is human, to forgive divine. It's better to err on the the side of cution. Erring in one's judgment. I always err about conversation with friends 7 era 名詞 時代 年 紀元 We are living in the era of the computer. The era of 3D movie is coming. The era of the steam engine is over. Entering a.new era. The Christian era. 8 erudite 形容詞 博學的 My friend is erudite in English. The erudite people are respected by any one. In our school, some teachers are very erudite. Mr A in my company is friendly and erudite writing. They said to me, I certainly erudite in mathematics. 9 erode 動詞 侵蝕 腐蝕 This stone have eroded for a long time. This metal, it's eroded. My house is eroded 101 building is strong,it's never eroded. The eroded foods are not eating. 10 erotica 名詞 黃色書刊 I don't like the erotica. The erotica books develope quickly . lot's of eroticas in many countries. The eroticas are prohibited . The eroticas are not good for young people.


金融證照 亞太金融證照補習班 余老師7E44C6EC9CB01516

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